Perkembangan berita tentang Valentino Rossi terkait insiden #SepangClash dan penalty 4 poin yang mengharuskan The Doctor start dari Posisi paling belakang di Valencia 8 November 2015 mendatang rupanya memasuki babak baru.
Tersiar kabar dari jika ada peluang kemungkinan bahwa Rossi tidak perlu start dari posisi paling buncit.
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But while Rossi is seeking “the annulment of the penalty, or at least a reduction from 3 points to 1” he only needs to delay the existing penalty to avoid starting last at Valencia.
As such, Rossi has also filed an “urgent application” for a “stay of execution of the decision”. In other words, Rossi wants the three penalty points to be suspended while the CAS reaches its verdict. CAS expects to decide on whether this suspension will be granted by November 6, the date of Friday practice at Valencia.
Since Rossi’s punishment involves penalty points rather than championship points, any decisions made by the CAS after the Valencia race are unlikely to have an impact on the 2015 title outcome.
For example if, after the season finale, the CAS upholds the three penalty points during its full judgement, Rossi would simply serve his last place start at the 2016 Qatar season opener (or whichever race followed the judgement).
PENJELASANNYA, Permintaan Rossi untuk mengurangi poin penalty nya dari 3 menjadi 1 poin baru akan di jawab oleh CAS setelah race Valencia usai.
Ini artinya,hukuman start dari posisi paling belakang belum bisa berlaku sebelum CAS memberikan jawaban.
Dan seandainya nanti CAS menolak banding Rossi dan hukuman 4 poin penalty tetap berlaku,maka hukuman start dari posisi paling belakang baru akan berlaku pada seri berikutnya lagi,yang artinya adalah awal musim 2016,yaitu seri pertama di Qatar.
Tapi ini semua belum final,bro…
Kita ikuti saja perkembangan selanjutnya..